Kyle Edmonds
Wealth Management Adviser
Kyle Edmonds says he learns something new on the job every day and it’s his task to look for opportunities to monetise that learning for the benefit of Jarden’s clients.
Kyle helps implement and manage investment portfolios for individuals, families, trusts, estates, foundations, boards, charities, iwi and hapū. He has a particular interest in Māori business, especially providing strategic advice and consultancy to entities that have received treaty settlements and helping them form an investment strategy.
Kyle has worked in banking, insurance and investments since 2009, including three years at BNZ private bank where he contributed to the bank’s Māori banking strategy.
Outside of work, Kyle enjoys being active in the outdoors with his wife and young children, and has a keen interest in rugby, CrossFit, surfing, snowboarding, diving and fishing.
Kyle sits on a number of iwi risk and investment committees. Kyle is an INFINZ member, has a BBus from Massey University and is an NZX adviser.
Phone: +64 4 474 4019
Financial Advice Provider Disclosure Statement
E ako ana a Kyle i tētahi mea hou ki te mahi i ia rā, a ko tāna mahi kia āta rapu i ngā wā whaihua hei painga mo ngā apataki o Jarden.
E awhina ana a Kyle ki te whakatinana me te whakahaere i ngā kohinga pūtea mō te tāngata kotahi, mō ngā whānau, ngā trusts, ngā estates, ngā foundations, ngā poari, ngā charities, ngā hapū me ngā iwi. He ngākau nui tāna ki ngā pākihi Māori, kia whakarato i ngā kōrero rautaki me ngā kōrero tohutohu ki ngā hinonga kua riro i ngā whakatau take o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, me te awhina atu ki a rātou kia waihanga i tētahi rautaki haumitanga.
Mai i te tau 2009 i mahi a Kyle ki te mahi pēke, te mahi inihua, me te mahi haumi, waihoki e toru tau i mahi ia ki te pēke motuhake o BNZ hei āwhina i tā rātou rautaki Māori.
E pai ana ki a Kyle te haere ki te hono ki te taiao, ki te taha o tana hoa wahine, me ana tamariki, he ngākau nui tāna ki te whutupaoro, te whakapakari tinana, te eke ngaru, te eke hukarere, te ruku kaimoana, me te hī ika ano hoki.
E noho ana a Kyle ki runga i ngā komiti arotake me te mahi haumi. He mema a Kyle i te rōpū INFINZ, kei a ia he tohu BBus mai i Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa, kua whaimana ia hei kaitohutohu pūtea, he kaitohutohu NZX hoki ia.