01 April, 2024

Scam Alert

Scam alert


We are aware that a fraudulent website is using elements of Jarden and OMF’s brand as part of a cryptocurrency scam. 


There are statements on the fraudulent website that indicate a connection with Jarden Group, but we are in no way connected with the website. 


Jarden Group does not currently offer any cryptocurrency asset management services. 


If you believe you have come across a fraudulent website claiming to have a connection with Jarden Group, please report it here: https://www.jarden.co.nz/contact-us/


If you believe you have fallen victim to a scam, please contact the Police and CERT NZ - https://www.cert.govt.nz/individuals/report-an-issue/.    

News & insights


Monetary Policy Committee OCR cut double-down

09 October, 2024

he MPC indicates that future changes to the OCR would depend on its evolving assessment of the economy. In this regard, the September quarter Consumer Price Index and labour market statistics will be critical in informing its near-term OCR decisions.


Reserve Bank OCR Review and MPS, August 2024

15 August, 2024

In cutting the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by 0.25% to 5.25% the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has executed a 180 degree turn from its hawkish stance just three months ago

The deciding factor for the MPC’s OCR cut was its view that excess capacity is growing by more than expected, which is seen as pushing inflation down further than it previously thought.